Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today's Desire, Sleep.

A gentleman has many desires, and rake has more. I would like nightly fireworks display, areas of major urban centers dedicated as preserves for exotic animals, rich widows, but most importantly of late sleep.
That blissful respite from the waking world, a round trip to the land of nod, that priceless commodity, slumber. Sadly this has eluded me except in the briefest of snippets for the past week, or when I have slept it has been for giant hibernationatorial stretches of time and has ruined my day. So what do I have to do, what unfathomable faceless entity do I have to prostrate myself to to gain entrance to this sublime state of nightly unconsciousness. Should I worship at the alter of Nyquil, or simply deprive myself in order to enter into sleep. Perhaps I should simply bludgeon myself at the end of the evening. Decided, bludgeoning shall commence this evening.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Today's apology: The near death of many vicitms.

As a gentleman I feel it is my to issue a formal apology. As a rake I feel compelled to exercise hyperbole. Yesterday afternoon I was conveying a Miss K_____ C______ to the aeroport and was unthoughtful as to how tired I was when operating my vehicle. Once Miss C_____ was out of the car and safely boarding her plane, I began my drive home and promptly fell asleep. I woke as I was swerving wildly across the highway. Many honks and skidding sounds encouraged that awareness and I rapidly regained control of the auto. Once safely back in charge of my direction and velocity I promptly fell asleep once more. Similar events ensued. I then got off the highway hoping that the greater frequency of stops and turn of city driving would keep me awake. It did not. I woke up several times on my way home. Once after spending god knows how long at a stoplight. I eventually pulled over scarcely a mile from my destination and took a nap. The side street was quiet and compelling yet I had terrible dreams and woke with a start and jerked to my left slamming my head into my window. Eventually though I made my way safely.
That was the recounting.
This is my sorry.
Sorry fellow travelers, especially grey mid nineties Toyota who was driving on I 71 north at approximately 2:30pm.