Friday, October 2, 2009

Today's apology: The near death of many vicitms.

As a gentleman I feel it is my to issue a formal apology. As a rake I feel compelled to exercise hyperbole. Yesterday afternoon I was conveying a Miss K_____ C______ to the aeroport and was unthoughtful as to how tired I was when operating my vehicle. Once Miss C_____ was out of the car and safely boarding her plane, I began my drive home and promptly fell asleep. I woke as I was swerving wildly across the highway. Many honks and skidding sounds encouraged that awareness and I rapidly regained control of the auto. Once safely back in charge of my direction and velocity I promptly fell asleep once more. Similar events ensued. I then got off the highway hoping that the greater frequency of stops and turn of city driving would keep me awake. It did not. I woke up several times on my way home. Once after spending god knows how long at a stoplight. I eventually pulled over scarcely a mile from my destination and took a nap. The side street was quiet and compelling yet I had terrible dreams and woke with a start and jerked to my left slamming my head into my window. Eventually though I made my way safely.
That was the recounting.
This is my sorry.
Sorry fellow travelers, especially grey mid nineties Toyota who was driving on I 71 north at approximately 2:30pm.

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