Monday, September 28, 2009

Today's Adventure; A Dilema of a Soultion

This morning I was awakened by one A___ N____ G_______. Not in person but in threat. The night prior after entertaining our ears, and the eyes of all who viewed us A___ suggested a bike pool to the Office in the morn in order to encourage my rakish self to rise in a more gentlemanly fashion. I agreed, but once home was immediately dishearten by the state of my apartment which is in a frightful mess. So instead of using A___'s sharp raps to rouse myself I began the search for my alarm clock which was packed away due to my abhorrence of the instrument. After an hour of searching I discovered the fiendish device, set it and then attempted to drift off. I was disturbed to find that I could not stop thinking about my alarm clock. Is the AM PM correct? Is the volume correct? Is it even set? Does it even work after years of dust gathering? Each time I answered one of these questions I compulsively had the next after being tucked gently to sleep, and each time I stubbornly resisted finding the answer to the questions as I knew how inane they were. But they plagued me and would not let me rest. So after literal hours of battle with this unhealthy fixation I finally fell asleep. It was a glorious and fulfilling rest. Until Mr. J______ H_____ the Turtle woke me with taps on the glass of his aquarium 20 minutes before my alarm was to go off.
I will admit some satisfaction at being able to be awake for the demonstration of my triumph of proper alarm clock calibration.

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