Friday, September 25, 2009

Today's Terror: Yesterday's Cage reveals Tomorrows Foe!

What a fine and dandy experience it is to feel rain splash on your face. Who wouldn't appreciate a shower of cool and refreshing liquid bearing down on oneself on a warm fall day? Well, perhaps a certain gentleman rake carrying a fortune of electronic equipment. Friend's I turn your eye's to a new nemesis. The tears of angels, tiny liquid projectiles plummeting from unimaginable heights to dash upon us with terrible force. RAIN! This foul flaw of nature forced me into submission yesterday evening. Alone I would brave this dastardly assault but I could not endanger the life of my sweet computer, for what sort of gentleman would I be if i ignored the codes of chivalry just because my computer is not born of man and woman. So the rain kept us hostage for long hours last eve. I railed against my fate but found I was powerless, until aid came from a friendly scribe Ms. L____ B_____, even with her covered conveyance home I was forced to leave my fair bi wheeled steed to the cruel whims of nature.
Thus my newest proposal, a roof for Columbus. Man has triumphed over nature since he first began give spin the wheels of thought. It is a measure of our success that we have dominated this cruel planet with our ingenuity and skill, but it is a measure of my failure that I was taken forcefully into custody but these dastardly cloud droppings. We must bend our hands and minds to a new task, roofing. I have contracted the services of several esteemed engineers and architects to plan a city wide ceiling. I only need you now, please write to the members of your governing body to support my proposal. Yes we can.

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