Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today's adventure; The Mystery of Life; in the specific case of Lance Reddick

Dear friends I ask you what sad truths would be unveiled to the timeless. What horrors and wonders would be unfolded to the eyes of a man who knows not the shackles of life and death. An unanswerable question for all creatures pass beyond the boundaries of the living, it is the unquestionable answer to birth. Yet what about those who are never born? I submit to you a startling revelation friends a near undeniable proof that there is among us one whose footsteps fall next to ours on this globe but do not trod the sands of time. An coincidingly new and ancient force, Lance Reddick.
My journey of discovery began only one day past, all though the mere hours feel as though they were years. It began when my finest friend and closest confidant Mister J____ H______ and I were taking in a show. A delightful tradition between two men of leisure, during which another delightful tradition was invoked, the Debate. In said show there was a character, a lieutenant, strong, bold and in the words of the working man, "bad ass'. He was of cource played by one Lance Reddick. In our mutual appreciation of this striking if fictional person we realized that we both held different assumptions as to his age. I estimated him as a dignified fifties something, whereas J____ postulated him as somewhere in his mid forties. Thus the debate was spurred! An a rousing intellectual adventure it was, however bound it was by speculation without research. Thusly the following day, today, when we both roused there was still a yearning for facts. This struck me suddenly and forcibly on my morning time constitutional and I resolved myself to later that day make time for a fact finding mission. It is a testament to the connection of our spirits that J____ felt the same. What we both found shook us to our very core. Lance Reddick is a man without years.
We both wielded the formidable tool of the internet in our quest for Mister Reddick's birthdate and we both were stimied. We found a slew of activiy in this and the past century. Filmographies, muscial recording, interviews, a seemingly random scattering of graduation dates, but our biggest find was mystery! If you will search yourself you will find the unthinkable in this modern day and age, phrases like date of birth unknown, or DOB; 19??, or perhaps the most telling birthdate; not applicable. It was upon reading this phrase I realized the truth. There has been lore and wild tales about men who know not the grasp of the grave, but here my fine friends I present proof, I present Lance Reddick, the Constant Man.

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